Tuesday, 1 September 2015

5 Important things to do with your leisure

"An idol mind is the devil's workshop." Many have wasted their leisure time because they know not what to do with it, and when you know not what to do with your leisure time, the devil creep into you mind. And that result to evil thought (thought of immorality, stealing, killing etc.) flowing into the mind. The truth is that many don't know what to do with their leisure time because if they do, they will make profitable use out of the free or leisure time they get. And that's what I'm going to share with you. Five things to do with your leisure time. 

1. Meditate
The day you stop thinking, that day you start dying. MR J-boy said "its high time we lock ourselves inside our houses, switch off our phones and start thinking." Thinking positively. Meditate on what to do next that will make you successful. There are many ways to succeed in life but you got to think and meditate on which way you will succeed. No one can do the free thinking and meditating for you. Its your duty to do it yourself. "Meditators and thinkers are leaders."

2. Plan. 
If you refuse to plan, you won't succeed. If you don't have a solid plan, you will have nothing to work with and you can't succeed without planing, sorry to say but that's the plain fact. 

3. Pray. 
Jesus instructed , "...men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18.1. There is nothing that can substitute prayer. Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer. I believe you have so many plans by now, then what you need to do next is to commit it to God in prayer. "But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand. Isaiah 32:8. (NIV). Learn to summit your plans to God in prayer at your leisure time. 

3.  Read books.
Knowledge they say is power and light also. Read books during your leisure time. Its what you know you can and will deliver. Its what is inside of you that you can bring out. When you are full of wisdom and knowledge, you are eligible to succeed in life. Read motivating and inspiring books, Christian books, including the Bible for in it your success lies. Joshua 1.8. Read at least an hour daily, it helps. 

5. Discovery/ Research
Searching is one of the most important thing everyone in life need to do during their leisure time. Until you discover, you can't be an inventor. Until you have found something, you can not be a founder. Search for more detail of what you want the whole world to know you for and remember you when you are gone for eternity (heaven or hell). "Search and seek for more tips that will make you a success." Listen, "Discovery is what tells history that someone is ready to leave his name or footprint in the sand of time." Use your time wisely.

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