Wednesday, 26 August 2015

5 Top Secret of success

5 top secret of successs
When we talk of success, many are there to talk and wish to be successful but unfortunately, most of them don't achieve it. Not that they don't dream of success, not that they don't have vision of becoming successful, but they lack the secret of becoming successfully.

Hosea 4:6 said, "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And it might impress you to know that many have known the knowledge but are not ready to pay the prize of the knowledge of success they've known. We are going to be talking about the five secret of success. Here it goes;

1.  Vision-
 I was in a fellowship (Power House of Youth Alive Team), when the founder, Okotie Marvel said, "Jesus Christ remembered His vision when He was thinking and praying to give up because the prize of His greatness and success was too high. How did he remember the vision? God sent Elijah and Moses to tell and remind His of vision, that before he came, prophets have prophesied about His coming to die, so if He should give up, then, all the prophets that had prophesied concerning Him are liar and God also. And that made Him not to give up and He said, "Lord, not my will, but your will be done."

Anyone who has no vision is likely to fail, so have a vision in life. That's the number one secret of success.

2.  Preparation:
 Preparation is the second secret and prize to pay if you should succeed in life. Prepare for the future ahead. Prepare for the good and bad times you will pass through to your success. Live prepared all the days of your life. "If you want to pass an examination, you must prepare by reading all the required details concerning the examination." So also it is in term of success. If you want to succeed, then you should get prepared by knowing what it takes for you to succeed and act towards it.

3.  Hardwork-
It is commonly said that "no food for lazy man." I buy that phrase. If you truly want to succeed then be ready to work hard. There is no short cut to the palm tree if you want to graduate with good grade, be ready to study for at least 4hrs daily. If you want to be the best saxophonist, be ready to rehearse for at least 4hrs daily. "hardwork don't kill, it pays"

4.  Focus-
You must be focus on your goal. Life is full of distraction, but your focus will make you overcome the distraction. "Focus is the birth of success." Let your 100% attention be on where you are going. Where you are going is what matters most.

5.  Discipline-
Discipline yourself to do the right thing at the right time. It takes a disciplined mind not to procrastinate. It takes a disciplined  mind to be focused. learn to be discipline in all that you do.

In conclusion, if you apply these five secret of sucess, you wil see a remarkable change in you life. See you at the top!

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